Salt run command on minion. This top file indicates that a state called all_server_setup should be applied to all minions '*' and the state called web_server_setup should be applied to the 01webserver minion. Salt run command on minion

 This top file indicates that a state called all_server_setup should be applied to all minions '*' and the state called web_server_setup should be applied to the 01webserver minionSalt run command on minion If a command would have been # sent to more than <batch_safe_limit> minions, then run the command in # batches of <batch_safe_size>

If desired, usage of. With --async, the CLI tool will print the job id (jid) and exit immediately without listening for responses. highstate for a particular minion or all; View the seven most recent jobs run on Salt;. The salt-call command is used to run module functions locally on a minion instead of executing them from the master. Telling Salt Call to Run Masterless. To identify the FQDN of the Salt master, run the salt saltmaster grains. <minion ID>: # The ID to reference the target system host: # The IP or DNS name of the remote host user: # The user to login as (unless the same as user # issuing salt-ssh command) passwd: # The password for the login user port: # Port the target system is listening for SSH sudo: # Boolean to run commands via sudo, default: # False # sudo only works if NOPASSWD is set for user # in /etc. -d, --daemon Run the Salt minion as a daemon -c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir The location of the Salt configuration directory,. 09-20-2018 09:35 PM. are the commands that you call from the salt command line, and they start with salt. If the Salt master and Salt minions are not communicating, see Troubleshooting Automation. Setup Salt Version: Salt: 3001. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. Salt minion service was running under local system account and my script involves grabbing stuff from a network share. Sorted by: 4. Yeah, Ideally, I would have all my scripts salt-ified into state files but what I'm trying to do right now is automate what I currently have. sls file needs to be populated:Since this package isn’t on our Salt minions, first we’ll use Salt to install it. This enables you to run a script before Salt-SSH tries to run any commands. The problem isn't that the salt client (run on the master) is not waiting long enough, it's that the response the minion returns is dropped on the floor. The output in Salt commands can be configured to present the data in other formats using Salt outputters. absent on the directory, then recreate it. sls, is the same, except that Orchestrate Runner uses state. The master is not responding. Print a list of all minions that are up according to Salt's presence detection (no commands will be sent to minions) subset None. As the core functionality if based on the Proxy Runner, check out first the notes from The Proxy Runner to understand how to have the. --config-dump ¶. This package must be installed on all SaltStack Minion hosts. no command will be sent to minions. During this process, a saltutil. d directory. highstate env=stg How do I achieve this? My. 3) Open a command prompt window. To invoke these rules, simply execute salt '*' state. The salt-call command is used to run module functions locally on a minion instead of executing them from the master. highstate. The result of the salt command shows the process ID of the minions and the results of a kill signal to the minion in as the retcode value: 0 is success, anything else is a failure. The current working directory to execute the command in, defaults to /root. salt-master A daemon used to control Salt minions. 2 | Chapter 3. 2-AMD64-Setup. lookup_jid to look up the results of the job in the job cache later. 8 the salt command returns data to the console as it is received from minions, but previous releases would return data only after all data was received. The salt command is the ‘run stuff’ command. run 'ls -l /etc'. Used to cache a single file on the Minion. Targets - A target is the group of minions, across one or many Salt masters, that a job’s Salt command applies to. Salt-call is used to run a Standalone Minion, and was originally created for troubleshooting. If I copy the script (pam-setup-access) over to the minion (using path specified in state file) before running salt-ssh, I can get it to work now. # salt fable test. Using the syndic is simple. . . ping. down runner: salt-run manage. SaltStack - Overview. The first argument passed to salt, defines the target minions, the target minions are. Replace <minion_id> with the ID of the minion, and replace <interface_name> with the name. Currently, the salt-minion service startup is delayed by 30 seconds. Output similar to this indicates a. The minion can be configured for this by changing the value of the file_client parameter in the /etc/salt/minion file from remote to local and configuring the paths to states and pillars. To start setting up the pillar, the /srv/pillar directory needs to be present: mkdir /srv/pillar. Master execution - using salt-run. Now the /srv/pillar/data. Another simple test would be to run something like: salt --output=json '*' test. For new deployments, Best Practices (Production Mode) checks to see if the securityonion-onionsalt package is installed and, if so, enables Salt by default. find_job <jid> to see which minions are still running the job. Sep. sudo vim /etc/salt/minion. In this case the glob '*' is the target, which indicates that all minions should execute this command. }' lookup the job id result on the master salt-run jobs. At the Welcome screen insert the Minion USB flash drive. run 'powershell. 12, 2016. salt-run state. and exit immediately without listening for responses. Shell Command. Now create a simple top file, following the same format as the top file used for states: /srv/pillar/top. Open a command prompt to the salt-vagrant-demo directory, and ssh into master: vagrant ssh master. note: it's important to have shell=powershell as it does not work with cmd only. List all available functions on your minions: salt '*' sys. Verify the status of accepted minions. note: it's important to have shell=powershell as it does not work with cmd only. d directory. salt-minion: Minion did not return. This top file associates the data. One is to use the verbose ( -v) option when you run salt commands, as it will display "Minion did not return" for any Minions which time out. Description. Refer to minion-logging-settings. name. 1; Start the minion service: sudo systemctl enable salt-minion. Afterwards, you can install the relevant software: sudo apt-get update. The pepper CLI script allows users to execute Salt commands from computers that are external to computers running the salt-master or salt-minion daemons as though they were running Salt locally. * and cmd. If you mean you want to know the versions of the minions you are running: salt-run manage. To filter the IP address of the network interface that a minion is using to communicate with the master, you can use the following SaltStack command on the master: salt <minion_id> network. install_os execution function and the salt. You'll have to run S3X from the root user, I don't see a way around that, but it's definitely doable. The salt and salt-call commands are the ones to use to target (like ansible ad-hoc command line). The Salt Project tries to get the logging to work for you and help us solve any issues you might find along the way. A common workaround is to schedule restarting the minion service in the background by issuing a salt-call command using the service. Open the RaaS configuration file in /etc/raas/raas. See Targeting. The timeout number specifies how long the command line client will wait to query the minions and check on running jobs. 2. 1) Connect the computer to the private network to allow communication with the master Salt machine. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt. On minions running systemd>=205, as of version 2015. Since the Reactor is run asynchronously on the master, the best way to debug the reactor is to run the Salt. run env tends to have a rather bare path. runners. Pass in a list of minion ids. SaltStack Cheat Sheet. salt-run manage. Since this function must be run against a minion that is running locally on the master in order to get accurate returns, if this function is run against minions that are not local to the master. 8. So the question is: "What is the right and correct way to configure master and minions to be able to use boto_ec2 module (or any other) from salt-master and orchestrate minions. run: - env: { { salt['pillar. manage referenced at this page which clearly mention. -u USER,--user =USER ¶ Specify user to run salt-proxy-d,--daemon ¶ Run salt-proxy as a daemon--pid-file PIDFILE ¶ Specify the location of the pidfile. json file, you could run it with salt-call. 0. In this file, provide the master’s IP address. (Please remove the already mentioned text) For example : ubuntu-1. Run salt '*' saltutil. cmd_async ('minion-name', 'state. The timeout in seconds to wait for replies from the Salt minions. highstate saltenv=stg. d directory. Proxy minions are a developing Salt feature that enables controlling devices that, for whatever reason, cannot run a standard salt-minion. root. ping fable: True # salt fable state. In the file, set the master node IP address. Salt runners are convenience applications executed with the salt-run command. Wheel:. The Minions get this request and run the command and return the job information to the Master. salt. salt -v '*' pkg. This ensures that the commands sent to the Minions cannot be tampered with, and that communication between Master and Minion is authenticated through trusted, accepted keys. Difficulty : Targeting is how you select Salt minions when running commands, applying configurations, and when doing almost anything else in SaltStack that involves a Salt minion. In this state the minion does not receive any communication from the Salt master. salt '*' cmd. In this case the glob '*' is the target, which indicates that all minions should execute this command. To look up the. sudo dnf install -y salt-master salt-minion salt-ssh salt-syndic salt-cloud salt-api. So you would need to add a pillar on the master which looks something like this : {% set host = grains ['fqdn'] %} {% set command = 'figlet ' + host %} {% set output = salt. The peer_run. Salt runners work similarly to Salt execution modules however they execute on the Salt master instead of the Salt minions. Calling the Function. ) But when I run a command ( python manage. ps1" runas=XYZ shell=powershell. d directory. This example could easily be adapted. The difficulty with removing keys for minions which have not connected to the master for a certain amount of time is the fact that we don't keep track of how long. 9. run 'uname -a'. And the " salt-minion " installation will begin. The timeout number specifies how long the command line client will wait to query the minions and check on running jobs. Open a terminal to the salt-vagrant-demo-master directory and run vagrant up. Often Used Salt Commands 8 / 98Used to cache a single file on the Minion. Alternatively, use salt-call --local. # Set the location of the salt master server. Salt native minions are packaged to run directly on specific devices, removing the need for proxy minions running elsewhere on a network. Now you should be able to start salt-minion and run salt-call state. conf file in the /etc/salt/minion. salt. Default: 5-s,--static ¶ By default as of version 0. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt. sudo dnf install salt-minion. Install pyinotify and start the event runner. Salt can be controlled by a command line client by the root user on the Salt master. version tells the minion to run the test. So if you had an SLS file or shell command to update the node_exporter. Move the " minion1 " and minion2 " servers, then run the DNF command below to install the "salt-minion" package. modules. sls file, to map Salt states to the authorized minion. cwd. First up, let’s get a list of all of our minions. The Minions workspace is used to view minion details, run ad-hoc jobs or commands, and create new targets. To check the free memory on the Minion, run the following command: salt '*' cmd. find_job Returns specific data about a certain job based on job id. 0. state. Many other targeting options are available, including targeting a specific minion by its ID or targeting minions by their shared traits or characteristics (called grains in Salt). 7 in the Sodium release or later. These functions are: running Returns the data of all running jobs that are found in the proc directory. If you only want to see changes, you can use state-output=changes or state-output=mixed. Another key feature of the configuration management tool is its parallel execution of remote shell operations. Masterless States, run states entirely from files local to the minion. Yeah, Ideally, I would have all my scripts salt-ified into state files but what I'm trying to do right now is automate what I currently have. Python 2 builds exist for earlier Salt Minion versions. 3, and 2016. To apply this state onto a minion - e. sh curl-fsSL -o install_salt_sha256 # Verify file integrity SHA_OF_FILE=$. ps1. Run the salt-key command to list the keys known to the Salt Master:Salt Proxy Minion. peer: machine2: machine1: - test. How to run a single command from the command line on one or more Salt minions. 168. You don't have to understand what the command is doing I guess, but I'll tell you: It will build the perl package on the two selected minions running Gentoo. Figure 11. sls: base: '*': - data. versions salt-cp Copy a file to a client or set of clients: salt-cp '*' foo. 7. Use cmd. 8. We will do this by editing the /etc/salt/roster file. Most examples I saw were expecting that salt-minions will be created by salt, so I am a bit confused how to do it with pre-existing instances. The command below should return the hostname or IP address of each Minion which has been verified and is running: sudo salt-run manage. the states have a tgt function that tells the orchestration which minion to target for that function. Configure the Salt minion, to send the specific grains to the Salt master, in the minion config file: /etc/salt/minion #. Description When I'm hitting via cherrypy "/minions" I receive 500, but when I'm using CLI, everything works correctly. The following are a few events. Usage:Problem Unable to assign the output from cmd. This is done to keep systemd from killing the package manager commands spawned by Salt, when Salt updates itself (see KillMode in the. Starting with Salt 3001, only Python 3 builds of the Windows Salt Minion will be built. 5. Generated on November 19, 2023 at 04:03:35 UTC. Configuring the Salt Minion ¶. Meaning you may have to quote the text twice from the command line. Salt minion keys can be in one of the following states: unaccepted: key is waiting to be accepted. sls in a single Salt job. You’ll get a better test introduction to these components in the tutorial, but it is helpful to a general idea of the role each component plays in SaltStack. This top file indicates that a state called all_server_setup should be applied to all minions '*' and the state called web_server_setup should be applied to the 01webserver minion. This should only need to be done if a fileserver update was interrupted and a remote is not updating (generating a warning in the Master's log file). Login via PAM or any other supported authentication by Salt; View minions and easily copy IPs; Run state. To support salt orchestration on masterless minions, the Orchestrate Runner is available as an execution module. The timeout in seconds to wait for replies from the Salt minions. 1. conf /root salt-key -l List public keys: salt-key -l all salt-key -a my-minion Accept pending key for a minion: salt-key -a my-minion SUSE Manager 4. e. The condition always return true even if the load_avg in the minion is not really equal or beyond the threshold. run "C:UsersXYZDesktopmy_script. Too many open files ¶ The salt-master needs at least 2 sockets per host that connects to. Add these lines to the configuration file: minion_deployment: airgap_install: true. accepted: key was accepted and the minion can communicate with the Salt master. sls file to all minions. We will call salt with the cmd. refresh_pillar. The fact that a key is listed does not mean it is accepted. How is a Salt user supposed to learn what Heist is?. fib(num) Return the num -th Fibonacci number, and the time it took to compute in seconds. A Salt master can also be managed like a minion and can be a target if it is running the minion service. You can then use `salt. Follow. key event. To identify the FQDN of the Salt master, run the salt saltmaster grains. This command reports back the. 5 ##### Peer Publish settings ##### ##### # Salt minions can send commands to other minions, but only if the minion is # allowed. runners. Targeting Minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt. find_job Returns specific data about a certain job based on job id. event pretty=True. event pretty=True" was used in another vt100 terminal to display event bus traffic, but not thing related to salt-master. Live Python Debug Output ¶ If the minion seems to be unresponsive, a SIGUSR1 can be passed to the process to display what piece of code is executing. A new key is generated and used each time the Salt master restarts and each time a Salt minion key is deleted using the salt-key command. shell salt-master – daemon used to control the Salt minions; salt-minion – daemon which receives commands from a Salt master. d","contentType":"directory"},{"name":"cloud. Then check the Minion log /var/log/salt/minion for job acceptance. These modules provide functionality such as installing packages, restarting a service, running a remote command, transferring files, and so on. # salt '*' cmd. Meaning you may have to quote the text twice from the command line. I am trying to configure the salt-minion to run as a non-root user but run all its commands via a sudo user which seems possible with the latest salt release I created the my-minion user, gave it sudo privileges and made sure that no password is required for command execution and configured the minion accordingly. This top file indicates that a state called all_server_setup should be applied to all minions '*' and the state called web_server_setup should be applied to the 01webserver minion. In the Minions workspace, you can run an ad-hoc job or command on: A single minion A list of minions A Salt master or all Salt masters (using salt-run) A targetThe result of the salt command shows the process ID of the minions and the results of a kill signal to the minion in as the retcode value: 0 is success, anything else is a failure. For example, check that a file was created: $ sudo salt winslave cmd. apply #calling state. The command to run determines where you are executing the command (Salt. After the keys are sent to the master then the master will need to accept them. Using the Solaris native minion# You can access the Salt command line interface on the Solaris native minion using executable Python scripts. Print the complete salt-sproxy configuration values (with the defaults), as YAML. highstate') The jid variable here is the Salt "job ID" for the highstate job. You can then query Salt for running jobs with: Which when run in a loop will. run machine3: - test. 3 docker-py. The Salt ping command checks that a minion responds. Master: 192. Place a beacon. The latter one will show more information on a failure. If you want to terminate the job after some timeout then you can run salt '*' saltutil. Note the output, we see the minion caching all required data in the system from the master before applying the states. Once the keys are accepted, the Salt master can issue commands to the minion and receive inbound messages from the minion. execute']. conf file in the /etc/salt/minion. For Salt users who run minions without a master, try salt-call. install gulp In this command npm is the module and install is the function. 7 introduced a few new functions to the saltutil module for managing jobs. For VMware Tools to create a salt-minion instance on a particular VM and connect the salt-minion with the salt-master, host admin must configure and set the guest variable for that VM. Often Used Salt Commands 8 / 98Where: target is the target expression to select what devices to execute the command on. salt-key Used to manage the Salt server public keys. Before we can start using salt-ssh to manage our new minion server we will first need to tell salt-ssh how to connect to that server. test. Such as: salt My-server cmd. If this setting is set to True, the master will check all connections on port 22 by default unless a user also configures a different port with the setting remote_minions_port. If this is a master that will have syndic servers(s) below it, set the "order_masters" setting to True. install apache2 . Note. Proxy minions: Send and receive commands from minions that, for whatever reason, can’t run the standard salt-minion service. run commands. example. Also show the IP address each minion is connecting from. You may need to run your command with --async in order to bypass the congested event bus. ping. runas. saltproject. At the Welcome screen insert the Minion USB flash drive. The salt-minion service will appear in the Windows Service Manager and can be managed there or from the command line like any other Windows service. It issues commands to one or more Salt minions, which are nodes that. This command applies the top file to the targeted minions. hi, the lookup_jid does not include failures etc or can you tell me exact command? – avi. 0. salt. 4. Similarly, a runner can be called:The solution to this would be to check the number of files allowed to be opened by the user running salt-master (root by default): [ root@salt-master ~]# ulimit -n 1024. d directory. 0. 1. in pillars top. On the minion, use the salt-call command to examine the output for errors: salt-call state. Now let’s get back to my original questions: 1. telling the master what to do. For example the command salt web1 apache. conf file in the /etc/salt/minion. A Salt runner is written in a similar manner to a Salt execution module. Sorted by: 0. presence eventMake sure that your Salt minions can find the Salt master. Accept the Salt minion keys after the Salt minion connects. get fqdn command in the Salt master's terminal. I also removed all existing minions (sudo salt-key -D -y) and only keep a few minions for testing version command, still same problem. If you then run a highstate with cache=True it will use that cached highdata and won't hit the fileserver except for salt:// links in the states themselves. In the happy case, the following happens:Run the following commands to install the Salt Project repository and key: Click the tab for the Salt version you would like to pin for updates: RHEL 9 (Latest onedir). 361 ms Changes. Configure each minion to communicate with the Salt master by creating a master. 4. It has some performance impact if you plan to. And compare between different runs. cmd ('*', 'event. Salt configuration management establishes a master-minion model to quickly, very easily, flexibly and securely bringing. If running on a Windows minion you. If the master server cannot be # resolved, then the minion will fail to start. By default the salt-minion daemon will attempt to. Additionally, running your Salt CLI commands with the -t. Jenkins will always wait for all minions to return before finishing, so long running commands will always block the build until finished. would be similar to: ansible localhost -m ping. Jan 21, 2022 at 20:26. conf to point to the Salt master's hostname or IP. run "tail -4 /usr/local/bin/file. fire event from master $ salt-run event. runas-- Specify an alternate user to run the command. Normally the salt-call command checks into the master to retrieve file server and pillar data, but when running standalone salt-call needs to be instructed to not check the master for this data. conf file in the /etc/salt/minion. Normally the salt-call command checks into the master. So don't run tests locally. call test disk. You'll have to run S3X from the root user, I don't see a way around that, but it's definitely doable. salt-call: This command is used to run execution modules directly on a minion you are logged into. Minions are nodes running the minion service, which can listen. run in my Salt State. in minion configuration specify its env with saltenv: production. Fired related to a new job being published or when the minion is returning (ret) data for a job. ping command, or restart the salt-minion service on one of your minions. To run a command on the minion, I have to execute salt 'minion_id' cmd. A command to run as a check, run the named command only if the command passed to the onlyif option. job. The others do not. CLI Example:. 7 introduced a few new functions to the saltutil module for managing jobs. Schedule is implemented by refreshing the minion’s pillar data, for example by using saltutil. salt-key – management of Salt server public keys used for authentication. When LocalClient wants to publish a command to minions, it connects to the master by issuing. The default behavior is to run as the user under which Salt. This package must be installed on all SaltStack Minion hosts. status. Python is required on the remote system (unless using the -r option to send raw ssh commands). Description When I'm hitting via cherrypy "/minions" I receive 500, but when I'm using CLI, everything works correctly. 0. -u USER,--user =USER ¶ Specify user to run salt-master-d,--daemon ¶ Run salt-master as a daemon--pid-file PIDFILE ¶ Specify the location of the pidfile. For example, if a Python module named test. The CLI then reports back that status and output of the job. As you expected, minion1 and minion2 both applied the common state, and minion1 also applied the nettools state. The below example shows running the hostname -s. apply with no arguments starts a highstate. sudo dnf install -y salt-master salt-minion salt-ssh salt-syndic salt-cloud salt-api. Copy to clipboard. This library can also be imported by 3rd-party programs wishing to take advantage of its extended functionality. Salt Execution Modules Salt execution modules are called by the remote execution system to perform a wide variety of tasks. As an example, let's run the fortune command on all fortuneteller minions (both Ubuntu and Alpine containers). Targeting minions is specifying which minions should run a command or execute a state by matching against hostnames, or system information, or defined groups, or even combinations thereof. version. job event. Salt SSH: Install Salt for development: If you plan to contribute to the Salt codebase, use this installation method. This enables Salt to simultaneously issue multiple commands to multiple. utils. Since this package isn’t on our Salt minions, first we’ll use Salt to install it. Apr 24 at 11:56. redis_cluster: redis_cluster_instances_create: salt. salt['cmd']['run']('command') on runtime as variables? Or let the jinja templating be rendered state by state?check the output of state. sudo salt '*' test.